The bundu

The bush. The wild. The vast outdoors. “The back of the beyond” if we look at the Shona definition for the word Bundu.

The Founder

Born & raised in the streets of Cape Town, South Africa. I grew up in a “Do what you can with what you have” environment. Within a heavily polarised society of immense beauty yet abysmal circumstances for most. South Africa shaped me, and I couldn’t be prouder to be from the Mother City.

I fled Cape Town at the age of 20 in search for greener pastures. The next 7 years living in London, Scotland, Barcelona and eventually Lisbon.

Arriving by van to Lisbon - a whole new world view opened up to me. My time in the cities had come to an end. I started designing a life that would immerse me into the Bundu. We now find ourselves on the Silver coast of Portugal, living on a 3000m2 piece of rural land - tending to our chickens, growing our veggies & running our brand. How times have changed & how good life is!

If you’re interested in visiting the land & the Bundu showroom - send us an email & we can get you booked in for your hand pick. We are situated 35min north of Lisbon.

The Concept

The General Dealer

My entire life I have always been collecting, buying & selling.

A young kid flipping pokemon cards, bootleg skateboarding tees, outlet sneakers, playstations & Xbox’s. Buying literally anything I could make money on.

Fast forward to now & I find myself paying homage to that kid - with a slightly more legitimate business that is forced to do his end of year tax reports.

Bundu is a General Dealer. A one stop shop specialising in rare 80’s 90’s & Y2K nostalgia. A space for me to create without the boundaries of a stereotypical brand dynamic. Not to mention the sustainable nature of running a circular, zero waste business.

All items you see in the shop have been meticulously handpicked & designed by me in USA or Europe.

Thanks for reading.